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From the Amazon to the Kalahari, from the jungles of India to the Congo rainforest, we work in partnership with tribal peoples to protect their lives and land. They suffer racism, land theft, forced development and genocidal violence just because they live differently. It must stop. We reject money from governments so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations – without you, there can be no Survival.
what we do
We fight for tribal peoples’ survival. We stop loggers, miners, and oil companies from destroying tribal lands, lives and livelihoods across the globe. We lobby governments to recognize indigenous land rights. We document and expose the atrocities committed against tribal people and take direct action to stop them.
You can help prevent genocide, put an end to logging and mining on tribal lands, and stop government violence and oppression. Our amazing network of supporters and activists have played a pivotal role in everything we’ve achieved over the past 50 years. Sign up now for updates and actions.
We work in partnership with tribes to amplify their voices on the global stage and change the world in their favor. We helped the Yanomami people create the largest area of rainforest under indigenous control in the world. We were partners in the “David and Goliath” victory of India’s Dongria Kondh tribe against mining giant Vedanta. Alongside the Kalahari Bushmen, we won a landmark case to see them rightfully returned to their ancestral land.